Thursday, February 27, 2020

Let's Talk About Prejudice

Let's Talk About Prejudice!
Have you ever felt that you were targeted? Race, Sex, Religion, Color, Ethnicity or other reason? How did you overcome it? Did you dwell on it and hate because of it? Or are you a positive maker and changer of hate? Let's work together to be better.
Don't feel that because your ancestors were abused or mistreated that you have to have a weight on your shoulders.
Don't hate someone because their past relatives were cruel or had hate for people. Let's do better than our ancestors.
Let's love people because of their personalities. Treat everyone as individuals not as one people.
We need to build our country together. We should never divide our country because of our differences.
Let's stop the blame game! Take the time to talk to each-other and find out about them. Meet a new friend. Help one another. Secretly pay for someone's meal, send someone groceries, shovel their driveway, cut their grass, send them flowers, take them out for dinner, invite them to your house for coffee. Let's be better people!
Let's do this together!!!!

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